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Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40, AVZ 2
D-34132 Kassel
Germany Phone: +49 561 804 4668 Fax: +49 561 804 4665 E-Mail:
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Biaffin (www.biaffin.com) is an ISO 9001:2015 certified bioanalytical service provider offering SPR Biacore services for kinetic characterization of molecular interactions. An experienced team and sufficient capacities in SPR instruments enable Biaffin to start interaction studies at short notice, rapidly perform projects in parallel and obtain results in time. Biaffin's SPR Biacore services for biopharmaceutical, biosimilar and small molecule drug development comprise qualitative ranking, hit validation, lead optimization, quantitative kinetic characterization, tests for specificity and selectivity, pair-wise epitope mapping, quality control and batch to batch comparison of binding kinetics or active concentrations, customized SPR assay development and SPR assay validation according to ICH guidelines, comparability and stability studies (non-GMP and GMP), SPR assays as surrogate potency assays and ADCC studies of therapeutic antibodies binding to Fc gamma receptors (CD16, CD32, CD64) and neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). Biaffin´s products are bioluminescence-based assays for ATP quantification, recombinant proteins, e.g. kinases, phosphatases, cytokines, growth factors, receptors, CD antigens, biomarkers and inhibitors and activators of signaling pathways (see www.proteinkinase.biz for details).
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Last update of this entry: March 12, 2024