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registry of biomedical companies

  February 13, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Rexmed Industries Co., Ltd.

13F, No. 1-31~32 Kuojian Road, Cianjhen District,
Kaohsiung City, 80672

Phone: 886-7-3814010
Fax: 886-7-3814013
Stock symbol: RXMD


REXMED is a professional manufacturer and exporter of medical and laboratory equipments in Taiwan since 1976, specializing in production of suction unit, autoclave sterilizer, operating table, ophthalmic table, delivery table, veterinary table, stretcher, hospital bed, operating lamp, ENT treatment unit, treatment chair, slit lamp, dental unit, ultrasonic cleaner, water bath, immersional cooler, shaker, fermentor, incubator, oven, cell culture roller,  environmental chamber, cooling cabinet, differential blood cell counter, platelet rotator, platelet shaker, hot plate, vortex mixer, roller mixer and centrifuge.

Equipos Médicos, Equipos Laboratorios, Equipos Dentales, Equipos Veterinarios y Equipos Farmacéutica, Unidad de succión, Autoclave, Esterilizador, Mesa de operación, Mesa de oftalmológica, Mesa de partos, Mesa veterinaria, Lámpara de operación, Unidad de tratamiento, Silla de tratamiento, Limpiador ultrasónico, Baño maria, Agitador, Incubador, Horno, Cámara ambiental, Contador de células sanguíneas, Agitador de plaquetas, Agitador magnético, Mezclador de vórtice, Mezcladoras de rodillos, Centrífuga.

L'équipement Médical, L'équipements de Laboratoire, L'équipements de Dentaire, L'équipements de Vétérinaire et L'équipements de Pharmaceutique, Aspirateur, Autoclave, Table d'opération, Table ophtalmologique, Table d'accouchement, Table vétérinaire, Éclairage d'opération, Unité de consultations ORL, Fauteuil de consultations ORL, Nettoyeur ultrason, Bain marie, Shaker, Incubateur, Four, Étuve, Compteur de cellules sanguines, Plaquettes rotateur, Plaque Chauffante, Agitateur Vortex, Agitateur à Rouleau, Centrifugeuse.

Medizinausrüstung, Laborausrüstung, Dentalausrüstung, Veterinärausrüstung und Pharmaausrüstung, Absaugeinheit, Autoklav, Operationstisch, Augenoperationstisch, Geburtsbett, Veterinär Tisch, Operationslampe, Behandlungseinheit, Behandlungsstuhl, Ultraschallreiniger, Wasserbad, Schüttelapparat, Inkubator, Laborofen, Klimakammer, Differential-Blutbildzähler, Rotator, Heizplatte, Vortex Mischer, Rollmischer, Zentrifuge.

Медицинские оборудование, Лабораторные оборудование, Стоматологические оборудование, Ветеринарные оборудование, Фармацевтические оборудования, Единица Всасывания, Автоклава, Операционный Стол, Глазной Стол, Родовспомогательный Стол, Ветеринарный Стол, Операционная Лампа, ЛОР оборудования, Кресло Пациента, Ультразвуковой Очиститель, Баня, Шейкер, Инкубатор, Печь, Климатическая Камера, Счетчик Клеток Крови, Ротатор, Горячие Плиты, Вихревой Смеситель, Роликовый Смеситель, Центрифуга.

醫療器材, 理化器材, 實驗器材, 牙科器材, 動物器材, 生化器材, 吸引器, 消毒器, 手術台, 眼科台, 分娩台, 動物台, 手術燈, 耳鼻喉科治療台, 治療椅, 超音波清洗機, 恆溫水槽, 振盪器, 培養箱, 烘箱, 環境測試器, 白血球分類計數器, 振轉體, 加熱器, 旋渦混合器, 滾軸混合器, 離心機.

Our products not only have popular used in domestic hundred of hospitals, medical schools, dental and scientific clients and export to more than 150 countries around the world, but also supply our products for MOH, UN, WHO, World Bank and NGO projects.

Contact us for professional medical and laboratory equipment solutions or turnkey projects.


Selected Categories:
Product Company   Service Company
- General
- Medical
- Equipment
- General
- Laboratory
- Medical
- Analytical

Last update of this entry: September 06, 2023

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