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registry of biomedical companies

  October 25, 2024
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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IBPN (Tires, Bridge & Roadways Industries) Information Enterprises of Canada

1440 Barberry Dr.
Port Coquitlam
Toll free: +011-604-941-9022 (help line)

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: +011-604-941-9022 (FAX line)


We are an information company and one-man outfit located out in the West Coast of Canada.

We are searching for a Philippine Industrialist (CAN-PHIL Citizenship) for Indonesia to launch research initiatives.

IBPN will be pilot-launched in Indonesia as a strategic location with natural resources in silviculture for forestry pulp and outside feedstocks from biomass with cereal straw and stover (wheat, rye, canola, soy- e. g. barged from Brazil) and eventually manufactured in Siberia, hundreds of miles north of Ohkotsk, Russia, in Canada and Greenland depending on environmental decision-making regarding safesures to be ensured by manufacturers for export and local use. 

Forestry for pulp as feedstock is a visible and important issue due to combating Global Warming as a buffer against weather extremes. Strategic location is for isolation or safety and frigidly cold weather conditions as "cap" against escape from accidental escape or blow-off, freezing and ground deactivation using the onsite use of our proprietary "Clean-O Rxn" cap-off.

Our comment for micro-plastic pollution of soil and ground water where used a vamp for pavement or taxiways is to lay in cut-n-fit swaths with infrastructuring using gravel-sand-concrete casement with roadway and repairable with repavement. 


  • Tires - E. g. revolutionary outdoor tires for light rapid transport (LRT) and/or sky train transit (STT) systems as with the Metro in Montreal, Qc Canada. 
  • Countertops
  • Tarp, tents
  • Uniforms - E. g. Fire-proof cover-alls, boots, gloves and head coverings.
  • Decking
  • Roofing
  • Pavement - E.g. Cut-n-Cover or Jig-saw Patterning on Bridge & Express Roadways and on Pedestrian Walkways and City Parking Lots.
  • New Concrete - Sport arenas, school ball fields and playgrounds. Split layering with a variety of rubber batting and Astroturf(R) for baseball, football, soccer, field hockey and rugby, etc.
  • Fire Barriers for Commercial/Residential - E. g. fire-resistant building hallway walls, batting for fire-resistant carpetings.
  • Airport - Aprons, Taxiways and Runways. 
  • Roads - To avoid spillage into ground soil and water and causing microplastic pollution in drinking water and food there needs to evolve a bed aligner of concrete; no need to repave roads and bridges and can change around paving tiles at will.

Material tests for molding extrusion; corrosion to oil and H2O, battery acid, sunlight and oxidation and physical abrasion.  


Note: We send greetings to our home alumnus institution in Australia, UNSW Sydney campus, at Material Science and Chemical and Mechanical Engineering if they would grace these blogs with their presence for future interest and any potential ventures we can mutually pursue with our representatives. 

Synthesizing the New Industrial-Class Fibre-based Synthetic Polymer: Iminobenzoprene Nitrile (IBPN).

by D A Flores


The new industrial-class polymer described here is modeled after the elastomerized polymer that is based on imino groupings intermittently interrupted with stronger double bonds similar to rubber's isoprene units. Further to this, are the addition of benzene rings  in the "flagged" positions of the 5-C moieties which will add density as well as strength to the double bondings.
By estimates the material is derived here from fibre, is sustainable via biofermentation to methane and then to sodium cyanide as starting material. It is the "amalgam" of polymer, and lignin, from the residual of the former process, that a high-density rubber asphalt-like substance will be derived and made into various applications as for e. g.: (1) ramps for commercial industrial applications, (2) driveways and sidewalks for residential and public buildings, (3) aprons and runways of airports in avionics, (4) "stone masonry" for indoor such as kitchen surfaces and bathroom/outdoor pavings and (5) sealing for roadways by cut-n-paste or jigg-saw.

Structure Proofing: Functionality and Properties.

To the best of our knowledge there are no competing side-reactions of imino groups in situ with products as they will not likely oxidize to cyanide. It is still debatable as to the polymers' chloro- and cyano- end groups and whether these are to be derivitized further to stable end groups. 

We will not delve any further into the schema provided by cortesy of the author (see: Fig. 1) as the reactions based on their relative redox potentials is descriptive for themselves based introductory organic chemistry and are self-evident. 

The reactions initialize and eventually "get the ball rolling" by first setting up the "copolymers", as they are called, and then without using other multifunctional protecting groups, the molecules by their "bifunctionality" react from one "front backend" to the other "back frontend."
A "biosafe" reactor process is described in the hypothetical schema below [Courtesy of D. A. Flores 2019 (c)] with: (1) plant #1 or biogas plant, 2) plant #2 for the Andrussow Process, where the process is purged with caustic soda to prevent excess HCN (g) production or escape, 3)  the NaCN, a white, v. toxic powder is then dissolved in solvent benzene (a known carcinogen) at what temperature, time and catalyst (if needed) is yet to be determined, 4) then toxic Cl2(g) is to be piped in and reacted, again at what temperature, time and catalysted (if needed) is yet to be determined, 5) what is to follow is a two-step process involving the strong base NaH(packed in oil) that is stripped upon contact in benzene with first application of NaH leading to a slurry and the reaction stops at this point, 6) the second application of NaH(oil) is then applied to copolymer formations using the previous product or materials to start polymerization up time=n with the material formed in either moulds or with sheeting using automated runners or rollers and stopped with H2O purging to prevent H2(g) from igniting spontaneously and potentially exploding and then finally more H2O used to wash off the salt NaCl with elements formed to be air-dried with heating and dispensed from their conduit chambers peripheral to the "core" of the plant "reactor" described.
It should be mentioned that the fermentative process for starting material has not yet been stipulated and will have to be outlined further as progress is made in the techniques of bioengineering and co-culturing rumen fungal spp. and with methanogens and how to fine-tune this critical process further to commercial viability. There are natural gas plants that employ plant farming byproducts and food wastes that have the capacity and dependability for providing electrical power to a grid facility here in North America (e. g. Washington State).

Economic Valuation of IBPN's Applications.

Although we will not say how much in the hundreds of millions of dollars these products or commodities we describe represent, one can attach a rough "guestimate" of an economic figure by noting each time one runs through the newspaper story on public works or urban planning in one of our own municipalities how much was spent last time on the project as to how much road work costs. And further, how muchs your driveway was cost-estimated by contractors, the latest airport refurbishment of our runways or bathroom and kitchen refinishing or even the last repot holing project after a hard winter's season these will tell the story on what our new high-performing "vamp" or "home construction" material will cost, and one that is green due to its sustainability.

Environmental Recycling with Protective Measures.
It is not know what recyclability the material can pose for our new material technology but removal after years of instalment might be plausible with chemical pre-treatment for oxidation followed by extremely high temperatured ignition and incineration in a protected or safe industrial plant setting.  
Last Remarks.

This paper describes a means by which a new product  could contribute towards replacing gradually a  proportion of fossil fuel residual byproducts, viz. asphalt,  and to furthering our sights into looking at ways we can expand use of ligno-cellulosic-based agro-industrial byproducts.
Biomaterials are coming out everyday in industry but this chapter gives further a new look into extending production of eco-friendly materials to the consumer for construction and utilities from biorenewables.
Fig. 1: A Schema for Synthesis of Iminobenzoprene Nitrile with Its Precursors.

                        (A)                                            (B)
Biomass  Biogas Plant #1                     Andrussow Process*
or Fibre ------------------------> CH4 (g) -------------------------------->   NaCN**  (white powder, extremely v. toxic) 
                                                       Employs in Plant #2 CH4(g)
                                                          and Urea with NaOH (aq) added 


                                                        oil  /  gas  exploration


            benzene                 benzene                                   Cl2(g)                        ..
NaCN: ---------> :C=N: --------------------->  benzyl-C=N:------------------>benzyl-C=N   (precursor)
                                          Temp., Time,                                                           |   |
                                        Catalyst, if any                                                         Cl Cl



          ..                                                   NaH                                             ..      ..                           
Cl-C=N-Cl  +  Na C=N: ------------------------------------------------------> Cl-C=N-C=N   
     I                                                     benzene                                      |                             
   benzyl                                                                                               benzyl

                                                                       1 NaH (aq)                           
               ..       ..                                  ..       ..                               ..      ..       .. 
1   Cl-C=N-C= N        +         1   Cl-C=N-C=N  ----------->    Cl-C=N-C=N-C=N-C=N:   +  H2 (g)   +    H2O (l)   +   NaCl (s)    
          I                                            I            [OH- titrated         I        I       I
       benzyl                                    benzyl      with H2O]        benzyl H   benzyl


          ..               ..                  n                          ..       ..      ..       ..           ..
Cl-C=N-C=N-C=N-C=N:--------------->  Cl--(--C=N-C=N-C=N-C=N--)--C=N-C=N:     
     |        |        |                    NaH                    |       |        |       |    |    n            
benzyl   H   benzyl                                     benzyl H   benzyl H benzyl

                                                                         Iminobenzoprene Nitrile

Courtesy of D. A. Flores. 2017 (c). Skye Blue Publications, Pt. Coquitlam BC Canada  V3B 1G3.
*The Andrussow Process:
                                            3 O2(g)                                                NaOH
2 CH4(g) + 2 NH3(g)--------------------->   2 HCN    +   6H2O -------------------> NaCN  (dried rapidly)  
                                           Pt                                              (or caustic soda)
  The Clean-O Rxn (theoretical at this time, by D. A. Flores, 2022):  
                                                        1) 2 H2 (g) / Pt or Pd 
  ( - ) 2 CN (g)  +  ClC(Br)3 (l) --------------------------->    CH3C(Br)3 (l) +  N2 (g)  + CH3(Cl) (g)  +  H2 (g) 
     (bi-product)                       2) 4 NaH (s)                                                              (chlorine)

Balancing the Eqn.:  Br - 3:3
                     :  C  - 3:3
                     :  Cl - 1:1
                     :  N - 2:2
                     :  H - 8:8 
SKYEVIEW: There are statistics out that in Germany the rate of plastic particulates in the environment that could end up in the water supply from tires is close to 100,000 tons. The use of IBPN material that is less given to corrosion together with binders could be one solution to this potential threat to our environment and throughout the industrialized and developing world. 
SKYEVIEW: There are also plans to manufacture for the Australian and Philippine markets advanced bio-detergent formulations from suberin esters taken from boosted root biomass in seagrasses, developed in Armidale, Australia, then manufactured in the Indonesian plant, where a growing demand for soaps or detergents mostly for laboratory, laundry and kitchen applications and personal care chemical reagents from a growing trend in modernity with populational growth is expected to occur. The long-chain alcoholic components will be oxidized to their fatty acid derivatives using enzymatic biologicals. The nature of the biodegradability of the biomaterial and the nature of its bioprocessing (viz. bio-extraction and bio-oxidation) gives the new term bio-detergents for the markets.
SKYEVIEW: Thus far, we have not received corroborating reports of pulping & fungal-driven coupled with Methanobrevibacter for methanogenesis to be used as a pilot project to evolve or generate CH4 (g), a starting material followed by cyanide (g) production, albeit, highly toxic to the environment, although there are established systems used to power local electrical grids such as in Washington State, but that still leading to questions of sustainability and dependability of the biorenewable energy generating system using farm wastes and other organic inputs. At SkyeBlue we are surmising whether the rumen model presented for such a commensal microbial ecological "pair" could be robust enough to generate reproducible or predictable CH4 (g) generation, including our suggestion to further disinhibit fermentation in the bioreactor. There are plans to establish plants for manufacturing formaldehyde, depoting and transport of materials to TransSiberian Railway to points in the sub-Arctic and contractual to manufacturers in Canada for the Arctic. 
SKYEVIEW: Recent finds at SkyeBlue with non-GMO applications using for, e. g. direct-applied PNA-B12 delivery systems for gene silencing have recently struck us not only for biomass fermentation and digestion and as health related anti-microbial topicals but for biofermentation in industry for chemical, food and, a v. large area, energy manufacturing to for e. g.: (1) cut down processing time of inputs or materials, (2) cut down  cost of inputs and (3) improve process related qualities that are commercially viable. We predict it will become an explosive field such as EtOH fermentation production and butanol fermentation using both high-lignin and low-lignin, HQ feedstock as fodder for the process which present the major barrier to current fermentation processing in terms cost-effectiveness approaching both: (1) metabolic qualities cellularly or (2) cell proliferative qualities of the cell systems. 
(c) D. A. Flores. SKYE BLUE INTERNET. Port Coquitlam. BC. Canada V3B 1G3.  We send greetings and cheers to our future rep and associate, Jamie Aniston of L. A. California USA and any ventures upcoming in Aussie Land in future.

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