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registry of biomedical companies

  October 25, 2024
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Innovo Agro-Equipe Information Enterprises of Canada

1440 Barberry Dr.
Port Coquitlam

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: 1-604-941-9022


We are an industry-gathering information co. allied with the bio industry collecting the latest in developments in R&D in the farming and allied industries in the Philippines including:

  • Infrastructure and transportation for development
  • Farm processing equipment (e. g. feeds postharvest, feedstock downstream)
  • Biofermentation equipment
  • Bioenergy production
  • Pulp & paper
  • Agrifood processing & manufacturing
  • Biomedical equipment co.
  • IBPN biomaterials fermentation and manufacturing (bio/chemical-safe facilities)

Let us know your development needs and we would be glad to consult with you with our active or OPEN portfolios for information purposes.


Ammonia-N Specific Electrode: an invention for intellectual property (IP) incubation in the making.

Recent studies on using cellulose sourced from lignocellulose for derivitization of membranes in fuel cell technology involving proton and anions (e. g. OH-) has reached "SkyeBlue" regarding recent reestablishment of proposals to modernize the classic Kjeldahl Nitrogen Determination in proximal analyses in our case the determination of crude protein from nitrogen (N). Other samples involved can be, in addition to feeds (and digesta and faeces for animal scientists), are: wastewater, soil, fertilizers, meat, and grain.

Our interest is in developing the ion specific electrode (ISE) probe of an electronic meter in a barrel construct with its ion electrode membrane (IEM) made from cellulose.

NH3-specific electrode membrane (NEM) for an ISE (separate make) from derivitized cellulose using a hypothetical methylcellulose and limit-dextrin central X-linking node that is hydrophobic as evidenced by fact that cellulose is hydrophobic enough to block hydrophilic CH3OH (methanol) to allow passage diffusion of base applied ammonium solution causing evolution of NH3(g) and the movement across the fashioned membrane in such a way using a technique called interpenetrating and semi-interpenetrating to cause nanofibre formation against dysfunctional swelling with H2O uptake. There is also grafting and X-linking (perhaps via X-linking of limit dextrin centres) to specify pore size and rate of selective diffusion of hydrophobic NH3(g) across the hydrophobic membrane.

The interior design with cathode (+ve electrode of Cu-Selenide) in solution that is contained by the hydrophobic nature of the membrane enclosure is reduced by one e- back to ammonium (NH4+) together with a dilute solution in the chamber of the probe's metal barrel of HCl(aq) forming ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) (aq) dilute solution. The anode (-ve electrode) is possibly designed electronically we can guess passively supplies on redox rxn exchange of e-'s. It is also of selenide and completes the current conductance back into the electrode barrel's interior milieu or solution. 

Our approach to the IEM is that of methyl cellulose and limit dextrin with cellulose which we call dextrinose. It has been noted that cellulose is hydrophobic enough to block methanol (CH3OH) with methylene ether X-linking. Enzymes from microbial sources to make dextrinose from limit dextrin are available. First the dextrinose is digested to the limit dextrin. Gel exclusion chromatography by prep with Sephadex based on molecular size will allow extension of the cellulose strand (20-30 glucose units) for greater density (with controlled pore size) using 30 methylene ether molecules with 1 dextrin with 6 extensions per molecule.


There is a need to further study interactions between the rate of urea-N application and urease specific activity level (units NH3-N/units microbial colony count) as to compare the rate of urea-N with microbial urease activity. It is hypothesized here that the acute rise in urease at a given level of urea-N application will cause improvement in delignification and increases in in vitro digestibility of fibre after which the effect on delignification will plateau.

It is suggested that a practical method in research including areas in Africa, China and Brazil where soya bean as a crop is being cultivated is to use the plant as source for urease and a common farm material such as animal manure that will lead to ammoniation upon ensilage.

The use of enhanced urealytics and ureases in future should be considered for urea-ammoniation processing including the possibility of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) ureases which can be developed in industry settings. 

SKYEVIEW: The mini-car craze trending in the Philippines by best reports from the Google.ca car & driver hit parade has announced the overall winner for 2018 as the Aston-Martin coming in with stupendous reviews in terms of filling the category of the mini-concept car coupe. And if you are coming in with the next one, it was the BMW Group with their self-driving Uber-like mini-cab and futuristic design form from Germany and much touted in the Philippine Islands, projected to be a heavy user of the mini-cab concept car trending as we speak. And coming in a close third is the much touted roomier North American Chrysler 4-seater mini-cab styled sedan.  To say the least, this shocking reverlation was evidence that indeed the Americans have apparently arrived in solid footing and may soon usurp the competition and with reports that they will succeed in factory planting there- take the city of Kabandgkalan, Negros Island, a SkyeBlue home-base for reporting in the Philippine Islands. There is also an honorable mentionable VW 5-seater with navigator or drive with possibilities for an extended van-a-wagon format for extra recreational outings or even expeditions. We still have to hear from a new partnership between Ferrari and Tata Motors of India in the Island of eastern Negros in future, so keep tuned. Are you calling KIA motors or Honda, instead? We'll be keeping the phone lines open. SkyeBlue, by the way, is planning to keep our options open to plate-proof these new concept mini cars with our new IBPN material. 

SKYEVIEW: Recently it has come to SkyeBlue's attention that a new rearing technique dually for livestock forage, both feed and fisheries (e. g. fish native to saline environments), constructed as a concrete trough dividing dammedfor sandy loam soils at the base for closed loop succulent marine grass spp. rearing feeding waste water newly treated before release and for drainage the other half to the seashore or backed up during initial setup of the trough recharged with fingerlings. The water supply situation depends on filtration of sea water on the outlet side perhaps additionally also on the inlet side where just recent treated water comes in silted and has an acceptable BOD reading. It has to be stated that the waste treatment plant be closed enough to the shore line making for an acceptable supply of water fed into the trough and including saline as the major feed. The former will have additives of fish food, the muddy sandy loam bed of the trough be maintained with N-P-K and other auxin-like growth factors and regularly with micro mineral mix. The closed loop system is as such that fish in part fertilizes the sandy loam bottom and in return can feed off the 'vegetable' matter for e. g. seagrasses growing in tufts. It should be left unsaid that the  and protection from severe weather conditions be sealable over a few days during stormy waters that could flood the water level by maintaining a ''zip lock'' on the trough in case water can enter or escape the chamber volume.  Harvest time will synchronise the taking of fish and cutting the elongated tufts for feedstock with animal feed, food and energy.


(c) D. A. Flores. 2024-2050.  SKYE BLUE INTERNET. Port Coquitlam. BC. Canada V3B 1G3. 

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Last update of this entry: January 20, 2024

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