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VI International Ethnobotany Symposio, Lima, Perú - 2007

  March 23, 2007  
Friends the University for Peace, - Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos (UNSM), Lima - Instituto para la Investigación de la Amazonia Peruana (IIAP), Lima, Perú ; Cuzco, Machu Picchu
17-22 September, 2007

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM I. SOCIETY AND MEDICINAL PLANTS: CHALLENGES FOR THE NEW MILLENIUM 1.1. Primary health, medicine, phytochemistry, medicinal and aromatic plants 1.2. Research, assessment, key identification of old instruments, tools and substances used in the art of healing 1.3. Ways of handling and use of various instruments in the art of healing 1.4. Understanding old uses for unveiling new applications II. MEDICINAL PLANTS AND TECNOLOGY 2.1. Pharmacology, Phytotherapy and Medicinal Plants 2.3. Pharmacognosy, and medicinal plants III. THE CULTURAL HERITAGE : Native knowledge, Folk traditions, Ancient texts : 3.1. Africa (Geobotanical Scenarios) 3.2. Asia (Geobotanical Scenarios) 3.3. Finno-Scandia, Mitteleuropa (LandschaftsKunde) 3.4. Mesopotamia and Hinterland ; Mediterranean domains: Greece, Bizance, Rome 3.5. North America (Geobotanical scenarios) 3.6. Mesoamerica and South America (Geobotanical scenarios) 3.7. Australia and Oceany (Indian Ocean and West Pacific Ocean) IV. ETHNOMEDICINE AND PRIMARY HEALTH ATTENTION 4.1. Perception and Social representation on the Process Health/Disease in different Cultures 4.2. The Coexistence of different Health Systems within the same Society 4.3 Nowadays Medical and Psychological Practices, versus Traditional and Alternative Practices 4.4. Curative and Preventive Health Attention 4.5 Integrative actions among the different Medicine Practices : Health Policies. Understanding the uniqueness of individuals within their singularity. 4.6. Health Policies. Community Medicine Actions. 4.7. The Actors and the Art of Healing: Healers Curing Practices 4.8. Primary Health Attention Systems and functional gathering of Traditional and Alternative Medicine Practices. V. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: RESEARCH FOR PROPOSING THE MOST EFFICIENT, AND LESS ETHNOCENTRIC HEALTH POLICIES, IN RELATION TO THE NATIVE POPULATIONS. 5.1. EDUCATION 5.1.1. The Actors and in charge responsibles for the Health Education Process: 5.1.2 Outcrop of new conceptions and unveiling of new assets and attitudes among different Partners in what concerns the relationship Health and Culture. 5.1.3. The Health Rights as Citizens Rights. 5.2. RESEARCH 5.2.1. Recovery of Traditional Native Knowledge Applied to Health Practices. 5.3. DEVELOPMENT 5.3.1. Production, Diffusion, appropriation and reproduction of knowledge in the Biomedical Fields. 5.3.2. Knowledge perusal to enforce the establishment of Public Policies, focusing the human development as a whole, with equity within the Health Services, to achieve a generalized outstanding life quality VI. WORKING GROUPS 6.1. New technologies 6.2. Ethnomedicine 6.3. Biopharmacology 6.4. Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry 6.5. Ethnobotany 6.6. Ethnobiology 6.7. Ancient Texts 6.8 History of Medicine 6.9. Ethnopharmacology. VII. CONCLUSIONS
Organized by: Friends the University for Peace , To Honor Prof. See Ryun Chung, Yeungnam University, Korea S..
Invited Speakers: - John M. Riddle, History of Medicine, North Caroline State University. -María R. Martínez and María L. Pochettino, University and Museum Universidad de la Plata, Argentina - Eugenio Sánchez-Arreola, The Americas International University,Puebla, México. - Elsa Texeira Gomes, Pharmacognosy, Lisbon University. - Adelaide B. Agostinho, Ethnomedicine, Health Ministry, Mozambique. - See Ryun Chung, Pharmacognosy, Yeungnam Univ., Korea S. - David P. Crandall, Ethnomedicine, Young Brigham Coll., Provo, Utah University. - Sarah E. Edwards,Medical Ethnobotanist/Bioinformaticist London, UK. - Jacqueline Smadja, Nat. Prod. Research, Reunion Island University, France. - Clinton O. Chichester, Pharmacognosy, Rhode Island University FL. - Zohara Yaniv, Ethnobotanist, Volcani Center, Israel. - George Krupitza, Molecular Medicine, Vienna University. - Tirso Ríos Castillo, Phytochemistry, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. - Christine S. Kabuye, Ethnobotanist, Uganda. - Nancy Turner, Ethnobioecology, University of Victoria, BC, Canada. - Nazim Mamedov, Ethnopharmacobotanist, Massachusets University at Amherst. -Walter F. de Oliveira, Ethnopsychiatry, Florianopolis University, Brazil. - Janet K. Brewer, Ethnopsychiatry, Inst. for the Defense of Native Rights, Michigan. - Emmanuelle G. Valenciennes, Nat. Prod. Research, Reunion Island University , France. - Alberto Balduzzi, Botanical Garden Pavia Univ., Italy. - Elsa Reginfo, Biodiversity of Amazonian Perú, IIAP. - Raúl López V.,Museo de Antropologia y Arqueologia de la Universidad Federico Villareal Lima, Perú. - Luisa Negrón Ballarte, Post Graduate Course, Pharmacology, Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos, Lima, Perú. -Elena Li Pereyra, Post Graduate Course, Pharmacology, Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos, Lima, Perú. - Celso Gutfreind, Ethnopsychyatrist, Lutheran University of Brazil at Canoas, Río Grande do Sul. - Eugenia Ron Alvarez, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España.
Deadline for Abstracts: DEADLINES : June 22, 2007 / ABSTRACTS receipt - July 20, 2007/ REGISTRATION FEE July 20.
Registration: simposio@ice.co.cr - chavesronald@hotmail.com plantamed@libero.it - plantamed@terra.es Fax +506 2830263 - PO BOX 2616 -2050 San Jose, Costa Rica
E-mail: simposio@ice.co.cr - chavesronald@hotmail.com
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