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Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

  July 05, 2017  
NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR, Online evnt

The TrainHR Course is approved by HRCI and SHRM Recertification Provider.



Overview: In the early morning hours of September 11,the world watched in horror as commercial jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center twin towers and the Pentagon. In the midst of this national disaster, several organizations had to face the reality that they had lost, on the planes or in the buildings, key talent and brainpower. They immediately had to identify people and competencies to replace those who were no longer there. There's no way to plan for a disaster of the magnitude of the World Trade Center attacks. But, there are specific actions an organization can take to ensure it has the leadership it needs in case of a crisis, as well as, for their future sustainability.Best-practice organizations use succession planning to not only prepare for potential leadership challenges but they also rely on such plans to develop and maintain the strong leadership that's required to grow and keep pace with changes in their business, industry, and overall marketplace.

The heart of succession planning is identifying and building your future leadership at all levels. Through your succession planning process, you recruit superior employees, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepare them for advancement into ever more challenging roles. This will guarantee that you have a strong leadership bench on hand and ready to fill new or vacated roles. How effectively are you developing your organization's future leaders?

Why should you Attend: Succession planning isn't just naming the new CEO. In fact, it's not about putting a name behind a title at all. That's called replacement planning. And when it is only used during times of crisis - when a company has to name somebody to fill a vacant role quickly - that's not succession planning either. That's crisis management. The goal of succession planning is to continuously identify and develop high-performing leaders capable of meeting the present and future needs of the organization. It should include a formal identification process supported by leadership development that builds leadership capacity within the organization. Organizations are only as strong as their leaders. High performing organizations make leadership development, at all levels, a top priority. So how does your organization shape up? Which of the top best practices from high performance companies are being used in your organization to develop leaders? Which of these practices should you consider adopting to develop your future leaders? Succession planning will continue to become more integrated into the everyday life of organizations, moving from a formal 'annual event'to become a part of the daily fabric of doing business. This webinar will cover these key areas for effective succession planning

  • How to identify your potential leaders who can assume greater responsibility in the organization
  • The variety and impact of various development experiences to those that can move into key roles
  • How to engage the leadership in supporting the development of high-potential leaders

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Discover the Seven Deadly Sins of Succession Planning What not to do
  • Examine the Pros and Cons of Insiders vs Outsiders to fill specific positions Which is better?
  • Understand the 70-20-10 rule for Developing your Future Leaders What it is and how to use it
  • Identify the 10 best Practices that High Performing organizations use for Grooming Outstanding Leaders
  • Review the 5 steps that must be followed to build a culture that Supports Development from the top down
  • Utilize the Center for Creative Leadership's 3 key elements for successful leadership development Assessment – Challenge -Support
  • Recognize a variety of learning and on the job opportunities for professionals and managers and how to implement them for ongoing leadership development

Who Will Benefit:
  • CEO's
  • COO's
  • VP of Human Resources
  • Chief Learning Officer
  • Directors
  • Project Managers
  • Operation Managers and Supervisors
  • Team Leaders
  • Human Resources Professionals


Marcia Zidle, MS, NCC, BCC is the CEO of Leaders At All Levels and a board certified executive coach based in Dallas Texas. She works with executives, management teams and high potential professionals ON THE MOVE! They want to move up to the next level – ahead of their competition – into new areas – over and around obstacles – beyond business as usual – towards a sustainable future.
 Event link :    http://www.trainhr.com/control/w_product/~product_id=701804LIVE/?channel=hum-molgen_september_2017_SEO
Contact Details:
NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR    
Phone: +1-800-385-1627
Email: support@trainhr.com



Organized by: NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR
Invited Speakers: Marcia Zidle, MS, NCC, BCC is the CEO of Leaders At All Levels and a board certified executive coach based in Dallas Texas. She works with executives, management teams and high potential professionals ON THE MOVE! They want to move up to the next level – ahead of their competition – into new areas – over and around obstacles – beyond business as usual – towards a sustainable future.
Deadline for Abstracts: 2017-09-07
Cost :$145.00

Registration link :   http://www.trainhr.com/control/w_product/~product_id=701804LIVE/?channel=hum-molgen_september_2017_SEO
E-mail: support@trainhr.com
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